Raus aus dem Sea of Sameness: Warum Storytelling der Schlüssel im Social-Kosmos ist – und nicht nur KI
MEEDIA-Gastbeitrag von Jonathan Goutkin
Marie Stafford is Global Director of Wunderman Thompson Intelligence in London, an in-house futurism, research and innovation unit. It charts emerging and future global trends, consumer change, and innovation patterns—translating these into insight for brands.
Email: marie.stafford@wundermanthompson.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariestafford/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/marie19a
Constance Chucholowski is Director at 365 Sherpas, a political advisory firm located in Berlin, Vienna and Brussels. With her colleagues, she provides strategic, government affairs and political communications advice to businesses, institutions, and NGOs and Foundations, helping them to navigate political processes, regulatory developments, as well as political trends.
Email: chucholowski@365sherpas.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/constance-chucholowski-8729425a/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CChucholowski
Further Reading Material:
To find out more about a possible Biden Administration transatlantic agenda and the EU’s impulses, take a look at the following analyses and initiatives: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/A-Transatlantic-Digital-Agenda-for-the-Biden-Administration.pdf
To find out more about Gen Z, have a look at the Wunderman Thompson report, Marie mentioned in the talk:
The same goes for another report on privacy:
HINTERGRUND. DER PODCAST is available on various podcast platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Deezer and Castbox – usually in German.
What is the podcast about? With her guests, Sonja Schaub, head of corporate communications at Hirschen Group, elaborates different perspectives on current political and economical topics. The goal is to shed the light on the backdrop of current events and share recommendations that decision makers can use in their daily work.
We are looking forward to your questions, suggestions and feedback: hintergrund@hirschen-group.com
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